Simple 3-way

Simple 3-way

Poker nash-solver for GTO analysis of 3-way spots in various Postflop situations. Application calculates GTO strategies based on action trees and initial ranges for 3 players
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Free River calculation
in 3-way spots

Users are provided with free river calculations

Free examples of solutions in
3-way spots
for Flop and River

All users are provided with absolutely free calculation examples: several basic situations on Flops + Turns.

Strategy, EV and Equity view
all played hands for any situation
in selected tree

Application allows viewing solutions in various ways. It gives opportunity to conduct complex and qualitative analysis of retrieved solutions. Informative set of metrics in reports is very useful and excessive source of information for game analysis.

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Discussion of application is available in our Discord chat. Anyone could join this conference, ask questions, share ideas and proposals for application improvement.


Simple 3-Way Review

Customer reviews

  • josh87

    it is very useful and unique tool. thanks for it!


    seems to be the fastest gto solver that I've ever seen. nice done!

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Versions and Prices

Discount from pokeriomokykla - 10%
  • License:
    1 year
  • Flop calculation:
  • Version:
  • Amount of PC:

Other payment methods

If you wish to pay by other means, such as BitcoinEthereumTetherUSD CoinBinance USD, please contact us via email or via Skype (make sure that you add our official Skype login SimplePoker and not the scammer):


System requirements

  • Standalone CPU, RAM
    Intel Core i5, at least 16GB RAM
  • Free disk space
    70 MB
  • OS
    Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
  • Additional requirements
    Internet access for activation

Possible payment methods