Simple GTO Trainer comes out of beta!

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Simple GTO Trainer comes out of beta!
Dear users, we are glad to inform you that GTO Trainer is exiting beta and we are officially releasing version 1.0. During beta testing, we fixed a lot of bugs, added new features, improved the UI and much more. We’d like to thank all of our beta testers for their support and feedback. With your help, the software has reached a stable state and has become one of the best tools for studying GTO play.
We will continue to offer a free version of the software with the free beta drills and training packs, but the commercial version will come with tens of thousands additional training solutions and additional features.
Although GTO Trainer is exiting beta, we still plan to continue active development of the program for years to come (see our development roadmap below). We see a great potential in the application and we are going to add new features as quickly as possible. This ongoing development requires additional resources which is part of why we’ve decided to release the program commercially.
For our commercial release, the following versions will be available:
Free Version:
- “Free Beta Starter Drills” and “Free Beta Starter Regular” packs
- session statistics and analytics
- summary for individual sessions and overall session summary
- in-app purchase of Training Packs
Pro Version:
- “Free Beta Starter Drills” and “Free Beta Starter Regular” packs
- “Core GTO pack” access (see details below)
- session statistics and analytics
- summary for individual sessions and overall session summary
- Ability to create custom games and drills using the Simple Postflop or PioSolver Engines
Trial Version:
- grants access for Pro version features for 7 days (“Core GTO Pack” access is not granted)
Core GTO Pack:
This pack contains presolved GTO drills and full postflop regular games generated from over 25,000 postflop GTO solutions. The pack includes 6-max cash, MTT and HUSNG/Spin-n-Go games and is all you need to start mastering GTO postflop play. Each training scenario includes solutions to all 1755 possible flops and the preflop ranges are based on high-end 184-flop preflop solutions from the SPF cloud preflop solver. At just $79/year, this is the single most comprehensive and cost effective way to learn GTO.
Version 1.0 Release Notes:
- FIXED: random hands generator is fixed
- FIXED: error handlers for Pio Engine and remote connections are implemented
- FIXED: missing chips in the pile
- FIXED: pot value in session review mode
- FIXED: application crash after pressing «End session» in summary window
- FIXED: summary window is resizable, background issues are fixed
- FIXED: cumulative statics for combinations in summary
- ADDED: training window is now resizable + minimum size of window is reduced
- ADDED: multiple training sessions could be launched at one time
- ADDED: ranges have numerical values in range view window
- ADDED: license control system with deactivation option
- ADDED: packs in-app-purchase system
- ADDED: new remote training pack - “Core GTO Pack”
- ADDED: interaction with engines is optimized
+ additional minor fixes and features
For professional players, coaches and poker schools
We are open to collaboration and offer various options for the development and distribution of training packs. For additional information please contact:
Application development roadmap:
HIGHEST PRIORITY: games against AI [fixed sizings]
HIGHEST PRIORITY: situational filters for custom and remote games
HIGHEST PRIORITY: integration with Simple 3 way
HIGHEST PRIORITY: preflop configurations for custom trainings
HIGHEST PRIORITY: turn and river drill configurations
HIGH PRIORITY: 3 way remote training packs (with free games configurations)
HIGH PRIORITY: Omaha remote training packs (with free games configurations)
HIGH PRIORITY: profile dashboard with game insights
HIGH PRIORITY: integration with Simple Omaha
HIGH PRIORITY: fully functional AI [deep stacks, floating sizings]   
